A beautiful day in light of the Song of Songs
I usually don't have a ton of time to check blogs and all that, but seeing that I am on vacation right now, I seem to have all the time in the world! I don't know about all you, but I start reading everyone else's blog and then I get inspired. So therefore, I am starting a blog. Yes. The day has come. Who knows how much I will post on it. But the matter has now been established. By me, blogger.com, and the Holy Spirit.
I had a great day today. I woke up singing and making music to the Lord in my heart and then sang my way into the bathroom. I looked at my eyes and they were still a little bloodshot from being in the sun all day yesterday while reffing soccer. Even with the "drugged out" look, I thought my eyes really did look like two cute little

Next I was off to the fridge to get a little breakfast. Apparently pomogranants are the new thing so my mom jumped on the bandwagon and bought a few. I cut one in half and thought how those halves reminded me of my temples. Have you taken care of your temples today? I shall woo my future husband with the beauty of my temples.

So then I returned to the bathroom, shorn my teeth and gave thanks to the Lord that I had all 28 of them. My grandma was complaining to me about her dentures today. She hates them with a passion. I went over to her house for dinner and she told me about how her gums got infected and they just went ahead and did a total demolition in her mouth and plulled all the teeth out. This is why I need to floss. So I flossed and then proceeded to get dressed for the day. I put the fawns in their cages and threw on shorts and a tshirt, as is my custom. My lips were cracking from too much sun so I put some chapstick on them. They we

Wow. My favorite part was about putting the fawns in their cages. I laughed SOOOO hard!!!!!!!!!! I totally get it! Every Christian girl that reads her Bible should get this. It's the other people I'd worry about;) Hee hee. Good work friend. Oh, and the picture of the tower, if you look at it from the corner of your eye, it looks like I giant hand pointing it's finger up.
Deanna --- I heard some girls talking about this "Song of Solomon" blog, so I had to take a look. I was pleasantly surprised and entertained! :)
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