Season of Singing

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A favorite college memory

So I was down at Pt. Loma earlier this week and it was great fun. I hung out with the girls from my hall last year, went to yogurt with my friend Katy, and hit up the good old science building. I got to chat with Dr. Anderson who is one of my favorites. I had botany with her last spring and it was awesome. The best part of the whole year was getting to go on the botany class camping trip. We were gone for a weekend in March and went on a snow hike in the Laguna Mountains then set up camp down in the Anza Borrego desert. Here is a picture of a sunset the me and my good friend Kristen watched together.

I think the sun was setting behind us as we took this picture. The clouds looked really neat. I think it's called a back sunset.

Me and Kristen. She is going to dental school at UCLA. She will make sure people's teeth are like sheep up out of the washing.

Kristen took this picture without me knowing it. I am wearing my favorite puffy painted shirt. I've probably made about 15 and I'd have to say this one is the best. I think I really like the fact that the whole back is a bible verse!


At 12:38 AM, Blogger Leah said...

Deanna! I didn't even know you had a blog. I'm glad I get to read your thoughts. :) I can't wait for Interns to start!


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