Doe a Deer, a female deer (also known as a hind)
Why Wednesday was Wonderful
1. I did not wake up to my alarm clock.
2. I hung out with Jael.
3. I bought two prophetic t-shirts. One of them turned out to be half off. I prayed it would be cheaper than the tag said while I tried it on.
4. Jael bought me a starbucks.
5. I got to help Gaby at church.
6. I went to Young Professionals and it was awesome!! I was very full of the Spirit after. And they had chips and salsa there. What could be better?
7. I read from Daniel some of my favorite books! You should read it. :)

"The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights. " Hab. 3:19
This was the verse God gave me for camp. I bought a shirt today with a deer on it. Jael thinks it's a weird shirt. I told her I didn't care because it was prophetic. Prophets do weird things. Just look at Ezekiel. He layed on his side for like a year and ate mush. Or what about Isaiah walking around naked? Yeah, it's powerful. Jael said it reminded her of a stuffed deers head on a wall and that weirds her out. I told her that one of my desires for a husband is that he would kill stuff and present it to me. I think it would be great if my husband killed a deer, cooked the meat for dinner, and then stuffed the head and put in on the wall in our house.
You forgot the part where we sat in comfy chairs while our feet and calves were massaged and your back was karate chopped! Aww, good times, good times. I had a great day too. Thanks for sharing it with me.
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Ah hah! Funny girl, now I know what you're talking about. Hope you know that female deer doesn't have antlers. Besides you have at least 9 months to pray about this one.
I like your "manly" husband description ... hopefully our husbands will hang out and kill things together. Then we can all share in a tasty venison meal :)
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