Season of Singing

Monday, October 16, 2006

I have dominion

Genesis 1:28 says "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth."

As I run all throughout this land, I often see posters alerting the neighborhood that there is a lost dog or cat and that the owner will give whoever finds it a reward. It may say, "Lost Cat: Reward! Snowball is a very nice white cat and has been missing since September 31st. She is extremely friendly and likes to be rubbed on her belly. If you find her please grab her and call us at this number 555-lost. We miss her very much, please help us find her!"

The community right north of PQ is called Santa Luz and is a very wealthy area. I often see these posters and they have huge rewards. One I saw was a $500 reward. So I saw this and I thought, "Lord, if I truly have dominion over all the earth and over every living thing that moves on the earth, then I should have dominion over these lost animals." So as a restored Eve I took my authority that Jesus gave me and I said "All you lost animals, I say come forth from the wilderness and come to me right now!" I felt a little like Noah as he commanded the animals to come into the Ark. "Come forth you animals, out of darkness and into His marvelous light. Come forth you lost doggies and kitties, you shall no longer be lost but found. I say you will no longer be as the prodigal son, tromping through the canyons getting all dirty and eating diseased mice and rats, come back to your fathers house, come to your senses and be restored to your million dollar homes and to gourmet cat and dog food given to you freely everyday. "

I especially worry about the lost cats because the enemy, the cayotes, are like roaring lions, looking for whom they may devour.

So I prayed this prayer, I asserted my authority, but I have not yet seen the word come to pass. No dogs or cats came to me on that run, but I stand upon the word of the Lord. It is not for me to know the times or the seasons. I shall wait upon the lord and I believe that in due time I will hear my doorbell ring and there will be masses of lost animals sitting there saying, "We submit to you, daughter of Eve. Please take us home to our owners and receive your reward that has been given to you since the foundations of the world. "


At 11:08 PM, Blogger Jael said...

I love when you talk about authority. I think one day you should write a book about it, fiction or non-fiction. I'd read it. This was a great post. It just makes me think of hanging out with you an how much I love yoU!!!!!

At 10:40 PM, Blogger Leah said...

I just LOVE you!


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