Why I Love Mexico

I love how different countries have different customs and "personalities". I have actually only experienced this between the US and Mexico but I'm pretty sure it is the same way all over the world. I feel like I've been more places because of Emilie's blog. You know what I mean? :)
This phenomenon can also be found within the US and even within cities. I think it's so great. I love it.
Here are some things that I've noticed about TJ in the few times I've been there (This is by no means a stereotype of the whole city or the Mexican people, just a few observations)
1. Radishes in a bowl of water
2. Random dogs everywhere
3. Lots of color
4. Little scoops of ice cream, especially flavors like lime and coconut
5. Taco shops everywhere
6. No toilet paper allowed in the toilet
7. Crazy drivers
8. Graffiti everywhere
9. People selling stuff at the border crossing
10. School kids wear uniforms
11. Bullfighting ring
12. A huge flag (pictured above)
13. Not a lot of Salad
14. You can't drink the water
15. Good soda, like Lift and Fanta
16. Horchata!!!
17. Bars on the windows of houses
18. Everyone has a dog (for protection?)
19. Lots of tortillas!
20. Huge bottles of soda- 3 Liters!
Feel free to comment with some things that you assosiate with Mexico.
Viva Mexico! Mexico para Jesus Christo!! Si Senor, si si Senor....