Season of Singing

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Is this it?

Lately I've been seeking after an understanding of the heart of God and His fervent love for me. I've been listening to IHOP (International House of Prayer) and have been revolutionalized by their intimacy through singing the word.

So often we go to God asking things like "What should I do next?" or "Why is this or that happening?" or "Who am I to marry?" or "What do I do with this problem?" or "What is the right decision to make in this situation?" We are so worried about doing the right thing or not doing the wrong thing. We are so worried about having a perfect understanding of what God is doing in our lives. I realized that God will answer questions, but why not spend my time asking the questions that he really loves? Like..."Who are You?" "How do you feel about me?" "What moves you Lord?" "What are you thinking right now?" "Why did John the Baptist eat locus?" "Will you tell me your secret name?" "Do you like it when I sing to you?" "What should we do today?" "What do you think about this person?" "Will you sing over me?"

Somehow my whole purpose in life is to search out the heart of God and be intimate with Him. Are you joking me? How can it be that simple? But that is what He wants. Maybe I can't sit alone in my room all day worshipping with my guitar, but I can still worship all day long while I'm doing life and just do life with Him. And not only survive, but really enjoy and rejoice in Him all day long. Am I really allowed to enjoy God all the time? It's too good to be true...but that is the call on my life. To have a good old time with the Lord day and night and draw everyone I can into the same intimacy that I experience. Sounds good to me. I'm all in.


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