Season of Singing

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My Crazy Birthday....

My birthday was yesterday and it was great. I got to snowboard for free at Mt. High in 65 degree weather with my dad and his girlfriend. I am no longer on a running scholarship so I had the freedom to take some more risks! It was great. I did some jumps and boxes and took some good hard falls. It's powerful coming face to face with fear and going on anyway. When you take risks you can get hurt. But that's why it's a risk. As Gaby has been saying, "If I perish, I perish." So I didn't perish, but I did gash my shin open a little bit! It was great. I won't post a picture of that though.

Then all the snow melted and it was like wake boarding or something so we left early. I then proceeded to hang out with Jenny, Emilie and Mirby (Emilie's new obsession) at Starbucks and then meet up with Jael and Joy at Cuban food in Poway. It was the perfect birthday dinner and I even got to eat plantanes! I was so blessed.

Here are a few other things I loved about my birthday:
1. Emilie text messaged me like 50 times to wish me a happy birthday (exaggeration). She is the queen of text messaging. I think she has an anointing for it. :)
2. I don't really advertise my birthday. It's fun for me to see who remembers and who calls me. That's how you know who your real friends are! Just kidding. I have observed that it's usually only the type A friends that remember every year and I know a lot of other friends love me just as much.
3. Jael sang a wonderful song and a prayer on my voice mail. The combination put her in the running for #1.
4. Lots of people were born on March 12th including: Mariah Nixon, Nicole Shaw and Rick! Crazy!
5. My little sister cleaned my car. It was disgusting! And guess what they found? Exodus and Hebrews! The Book of the Law wasn't lost anymore!!! I think it was under the seat or something. As soon as I saw it I tore my clothes and repented. It was a couple of parts of Ben's bible on CD that I borrowed and apparently didn't return complete.

Oh, glorious. I love it. Well, here comes another year to serve the living God and have a great time doing it!


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