Season of Singing

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The good life

I left for a run early this morning and saw one of the prettiest sunrises I've ever experienced in San Diego. Usually the sun rise isn't very exciting, but this morning there were a bunch of clouds and they were all glowing pink. It was great. Then I went and ran in the canyon and was so grateful that I could run, be ministered to by God through His beautiful creation, and just enjoy life. I was thinking on my run about things that really enrich my life and allow me to really enjoy it. Here's the list...

1. The presence of God.
2. Running on trails. Hearing the sound of moving water as I run. Being alone in the middle of a canyon or hills and only hearing the birds and my feet hitting the ground.
3. Hanging out with preschoolers.
4. Hanging out with my 85 year old grandma.
5. Doing art.
6. Laughing with friends.
7. Playing the guitar.
8. Moving the church...aka...lifting stuff and working with my hands.
9. Making everything prophetic.
10. The Word of God.

If you are feeling bored or a little "blah" I would suggest partaking of some of these things. It's amazing how many people never do these things! What enriches your life?


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