Season of Singing

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A new day

Today I did something I have never done before. I organized the clothes in my closet. I usually just hang them in there wherever. This is a big step for me and I believe it is an outward sign of spiritual change within me. I put all the tank tops together, all the t-shirts together, all the long sleeves together...ect. I did NOT go as far as color coordinate them. No no no. I'm not that changed yet. haha. Here's the you organize the clothes in your closet and do you color coordinate them? I believe you can learn a lot about a person through their closet. :)

I also reffed my last high school soccer game this afternoon. The regular season ends this week so unless I get some playoff games I'm done! I had a great time doing high school. What a blessing of a job.


At 12:58 AM, Blogger Emilie said...

well... I do coordinate my closet (though I'm not tooooo picky about it.) Tank tops start on the right then short sleeves, then long sleeves, then jackets. On the other side are dress pants, skirts, and dress shirts. Shoes? In a big pile.

Thanks for letting me be a part of your survey! ;)

At 5:21 PM, Blogger Jael said...

Mine starts with sketty's, than tanks, than short sleeves, than long, than jackets, than skirts, dresses, sarongs and dressy jackets. They are most definately color coded, the same in each set. Shoes, like emilie, are in a big pile, while my flip dlops are all scattered randomly under my bed. Oh, and my movies are alphabitized, and my books are arranged from biggest to smallest. Yep, I'm a freak!

At 12:41 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

Deanna, I am quite impressed with your closet organizing. Color coordination is just around the corner!

My closet is organized by items (dresses, tank tops, pants, shirts, sweaters, etc.) and each of those sections is color coordinated. I think it is hard enough to pick out something to wear, so this helps make the decision easier! And I also have to have everything facing the same direction - the front of the shirt/dress faces left. (weird?)

At 12:42 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

Jael, what are sketty's??

At 10:41 PM, Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

Jenny, "sketty's", I believe are spaghetti straps.

And like my previous commentors, I organize my clothes in sections and they are color coded (light to dark). I have sweatshirts, jackets and dresses on one side and skirts and dress/casual pants on the other. My closet isn't too big, so I fold my shirts in 4 piles on a shelf in my closet, according to type. (ie-plain colors, tshirts with logos, junky/big shirts, and nice/collared shirts.

However, my shoes are ALL in boxes, stacked neatly in my closet. (Yes they all fit, but it's a tight squeeze!) I can't use all of my closet space so I also have plastic containers under my bed with jeans, more shirts, shorts, and long sleeves. What can I say? I'm a girl who has to be organized with all that stuff!

At 1:57 AM, Blogger joy said...

I just recently organized my closet as well because I switched rooms and it was kind of fun to figure out how I wanted everything. I'm not a stickler about color coding because I kind of like the rainbow look :o) from left to right: tanks, tees, hanging closet shoe organizer (I love this it at target for like $10), long sleeves, sweatshirts, jackets, skirts, slacks, dresses.


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