Season of Singing

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Let the little children come....

How I need to become like a child. Simplicity is so good. I was reminded about this once again this past Sunday. I was feeling tired of doing stuff, of working at the church all the time, and was bummed that I thought I was in KidzCity when I really wasn't. There was a baptism going on so the worship team kept playing until it was done. I was supposed to leave right away to go snowboarding, but my family was running late. So I just sat in the sanctuary. I so needed to still my spirit and be with God. I was sitting up against the wall for a few minutes when Sienna Shilling (one of the 3rd grade girls) saw me and came and sat by me. She asked if I was praying, I said yes. I put my arm around her and we just sat for a while and she talked a little bit. Then more kids started coming and sitting with us. 6 or 7 would come and go. At first I was hoping they would leave so I could be alone with God again, but then I was really enjoying their presence and didn't mind anymore. Sienna started reading me a book about 3 trees, it was really good. Then Samuel came over and she read it to both of us. Naomi and Kyzer were trying to get "agent 31" (aka Sienna) to play some spy game with them. She said she was reading a book and would play later. I was having such a great time just sitting and enjoying the kids. I didn't have to entertain them. I didn't have to babysit, or teach them anything, I didn't have to move at all. The Lord ministered to me so much through them. When Kyzer first came over he looked at me and I think he could sense my brokenness and weariness. He stopped and sat on my lap for a moment, giving me a hug. I seriously felt the love of God in that 5 year old! :) So yes, maybe I missed the sermon when I didn't need to, but the great thing is that God knows exactly what you need and is always ready to refresh a weary soul if one would just sit in His presence.


At 11:14 PM, Blogger Jael said...

Oh Dee, I love you! You are one of my very best friends! Kids are so amazing. Anytime I'm in a bad mood, or feeling down, all I need is for one little kid to talk to me, and it changes my whole attitude. I love children, and I love your love for children. Maybe when you have some free time, we can hang out and have a refresher day! I need to drive up to LA on an errand soon. Maybe you can come. I think I'm going on a Sunday. Let me know.


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