Season of Singing

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A birthday with Gaby: One of a Kind

I had to make a post especially for this story because it really stands on its own. So last night right before dinner I called Gaby and invited her to come and she was distressed because she didn't even know it was my birthday and she was busy. I think she tore her cloths and wept. I told her we could do something another day and that I did not hold anything against her.

So tonight she took me on a little birthday adventure, and I must say, it was an adventure. After finishing some stuff at the church she rushed me into her car and drove like a mad woman to an unknown destination. It turned out to be the Coronado Ferry, which I have never done before. We took the 8pm Ferry and the last returning one was at 9:30 so we would only have about an hour over there. When we got to Coronado we stopped at the Taco Bell/Pizza Hut/KFC (Trinity of fast food!) and Gaby proceeded to get a free piece of chicken and order one biscuit. It was good that we did not spend a lot of money here and that she got that free chicken. You will see why later.

Then she is going to get me ice cream at moo time but it is a really far walk. We don't know how far, but we just keep going. Then we get there (after like 15 to 20 minutes) and it is 9:08. The last ferry leaves at 9:30 remember. We figured if worse came to worse we could take a taxi back. Well, it turns out that they only take cash at the ice cream place and we were a little short. Again Gaby worked her magic and got us out of there with a deal. But now we were really far from the ferry, with no cash, and like 10 minutes to get back.

As we began to speed walk, I saw a shopping cart and told Gaby to get in. She said she was afraid it might tip over and began to run away from me. I got the cart, chased her down and made her get in. Then we took turns pushing each other in the cart (running) all the way back. The funny thing was that we were having so much fun that we didn't even look at the time until we were almost there. Then I looked and it was 9:30!! We suddenly realized that the ferry was leaving right that moment and we began to sprint in our rainbows sandals. The boat was about to leave the dock when I yelled and they graciously pulled it back in for us so we could get on. It was a close one. After getting on the boat we realized that if we hadn't found that cart and ran the whole way back, we would have missed the boat. Once again, the Holy Spirit saved our lives.

Now at this point, one thing was still missing from the perfect birthday celebration with Gaby. Yep, you know what it is, a divine appointment! Well, before leaving the dock on the harbor side we got the opportunity to pray for this really sweet Mexican couple who were celebrating their anniversary. It was great.

I have to say tonight was one of the randomest birthday celebrations I have ever had but one of the most enjoyable! There is no one like Gaby and I love that I never know what is going to happen when I am with her. Oh...the good life.... :)


At 9:34 AM, Blogger Jael said...

I just read your birthday posts. I love you! I'm glad it was a good couple of days for you. YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!

At 10:53 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

Deanna for president!!


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