Season of Singing

Friday, September 07, 2007

Guess where I just went

I went to IHOP!!! Yeah!! I have been dying to go for a long time and finally my desire was granted. The Lord is so good to me. I was there for like a day and a half but it was great. You can only watch so many hours on the computer before you just have to go. I got to hang out with some amazing people and spend a lot of time praying and worshiping. What could be better? Here is the thought for the day...

From psalm 65.."Praise awaits you O God..."

Praise is waiting for God. There is praise inside each one of us that is waiting to be released. The Hebrew word for praise here actually means something like "a spontaneous song, a new song". So basically there are songs locked up in us that are released when God reveals Himself to us in a new way. A new revelation results in a new song. As we gaze upon Him in the Word, these songs get stirred up and start to come out.

People who are not saved cannot praise God. Their spirits are dead and all the praise is locked up. Just waiting to get out. The praise awaits...

But when one is born again and gets a revelation that Jesus is the Christ, then the praise is released! And as we gaze upon His glory day after day the Holy Spirit begins to unlock the depths of our spirit and the praise is released. How good it is to praise our God!

Praise from the upright is beautiful...this is how you become beautiful...praise the beautiful God!!!


At 3:12 PM, Blogger Leah said...

My friend did an internship there this summer! She loved it. How is 2nd year going?

At 12:21 PM, Blogger Deanna said...

Second year is great fun, but I miss our KzC stops!


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