Season of Singing

Monday, April 07, 2008


If I can't explore the world just yet, I might as well explore the city.  So thus my recent obsession with "Adventuring", as I like to call it.  The fact that I adventure alone makes it 10x more of an adventure.  So I continue on alone!

I have found that I would rather adventure alone for a few reasons:
1.  I'm a people person and I focus on people when I'm with them.  This takes away from experiencing places.
2.  When you are with people you always have to be considerate of what they want.  You spend half your time and energy deciding what to do and for how long.  
3.  You can't have random conversations with strangers in the same way if you have a friend with you as when you are alone.  
4.  It's much more peaceful and quiet when you don't have to be constantly conversing or thinking about things to say. 
5.  Things are more scary when you are alone and you get more of a rush doing them.  Like walking to your car in the dark in sketchy neighborhoods, or walking through downtown LA alone.  hahaha. 

Here are some of the fun things I have done lately...
-drawing with a random guy named Scott at a coffee shop. 
-cheering on a SOS (Save our Schools) parade during a run.  I yelled and high fived everyone as I passed by them. 
- finding myself downtown on St. Patricks day after working out down there.  I decided to stay and check out the action.  The only problem was that I only had my workout clothes with me.  Thankfully my warmup pants were bright Kelly green so I thought that was a good sign for me to stay.  Now imagine me sitting alone in the bar at Rock Bottom eating a big pretzel, drinking a water, and of course, wearing my green warmups and a sweatshirt. :) hahahaha.

Oh the places I'll go....