Season of Singing

Sunday, September 24, 2006


So I just spent like 3 and a half days straight at the church and it was great. I shall be like Samuel, a child of the temple, laying in front of the alter, awaiting the voice of God. Go interns...let the ROAR be released!!!

For anyone who was worried, my gash is doing pretty well. I went into urgent care the day after and got some sealy (sp?) strips to help bring the skin together. If you did not know, you have to go get stitches within the first 6 hours of getting a wound or else you could get an infection. This is because bacteria could get stuck in the wound and there would be nowhere for the puss to leak out and it would make things very bad.

And that is all I have to say about that.

Glorify the Lord with me, let us exalt his name together!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

A gash in my leg

There is a big gash in my leg.

Yep, it is a gash. Here is a beautiful close up. See the fatty deposits under my skin? That is what keeps me warm and what protects my bones and organs from evil cabinets.

So I was cleaning at my dad's house and jumped off the kitchen counter (I was cleaning a window above the sink) and landed right on the cabinet door that I did not close. I was planning on going on a long run tonight but I could not because I was bleeding profusely. I sat at the kitchen table holding a napkin on it to stop the blood and said "Jesus heal it! Heal it!" It didn't really hurt that bad, mostly it just kind of throbbed. I think I will have a bruise as well as a giant gash. I tried to have faith that my flesh would be restored before my eyes but nothing happened. So then I went to the word and proclaimed health to all my flesh, according to Proverbs 4:22:
"My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart; For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh." (prov. 4:20-22)

Then I sat there some more and tried to think about if the devil was trying to destroy me, or if there really are just accidents. I was also wondering if sin causes accidents. Somehow sin causes disease, so does sin cause accidents to? It does say that Satan is always trying to trip us up and make us stumble, right? Well, I know God is good and does not want my leg gashed open so I prayed "Lord, heal my leg and show me if there is anything spiritual in this situation."

My mom was on her way over with bandaids and gauze (of course my dad only had the smallest bandaids ever and they did nothing) and my little sister was finishing our surprise birthday cleaning for my dad (he is out of town). As I sat there I wasn't freaked out or anything, but I really did just want my mom to come and tend to my wounds. I was really glad she was coming over. So she gets there and is with two of her male co-workers whom she went on a beach walk with. She right away examines my gash and starts cleaning it and getting the blood off and the two guys say "It's not that bad. Just a little scrape. It'll be ok."
As this moment all I honestly wanted was my mom to hold me and take care of me. I am reading Captivating and just read about how God made women sensitive and nurturing in a way that is different from men. It seriously had an example of how men and women would react differently to a child getting hurt and it was exactly the way this was playing out. The woman nurtures and touches and cares for the hurting individual and the guy says "Oh, cool battle wound!" and tries to down play it.

So the moral of this story is that God really did teach me something powerful through this wound. What the enemy might have meant for evil (if he was involved in this), God turns into good. I babysit a lot and more often than not I try to down play little injuries because I think kids need to get tough. I realize I have been acting like a guy and saying "Shake it off. Cool wound." I'm not going to do this anymore because this response did not help me at all today. From now on if a kid I'm watching gets hurt, whether it's a stubbed toe or a broken bone, I am going to hug them and rub the hurt place and be sensitive. Because that is what I want if I get hurt. That is what we all want. Even guys. On some international soccer teams, if a guy goes down the whole medical team runs out there and right away takes a sponge and starts rubbing the hurt area. Usually they do this for a minute and then the player gets right back up and keeps playing. Is there healing in a sponge with a little water? No. But there is healing in nurturing attention and touch. Our God is a Healer and he cares about all of our wounds, from a splinter in our finger to a deadly disease, from feeling hurt because a friend did not call us back to the pain caused by the death of a loved one. He is the great Physician, he is Jehovah Rapha. The Lord who Heals You. Thank you Jesus!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Fast Food Reading

This is even better than spark notes for those who do not like to take the time to actually read stuff. Personally I am a fan of reading whole books but I thought this site was great. It is called "Book-a-minute bedtime" and gives a condensed version of some of our favorite childhood books. Here are a few of my favorites:

The Very Hungry Caterpillar
By Eric Carle

Once there was a caterpillar who ate holes in stuff and turned into a butterfly.

The Indian In the Cupboard
By Lynne Reid Banks

I can put things in my cupboard and make them real.
Little Bear
You can't use people.
I've learned my lesson.
Forget the Indian. Why isn't this kid putting monopoly money in there?

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
By Roald Dahl

(Charlie gets a TON of Willy Wonka chocolate bars.)
Hooray. I'm an instant winner.
Willy Wonka
Hi kids. Four of you will undergo severe physiological distress that in the real world would get me sued, and one will be picked to be the Special One. (Charlie gets picked.)

This last one is especially for Gaby. She would agree with the secret version...we had a nice chat about this last week. :)

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
(aka: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)(printed version)
By J. K. Rowling

Harry Potter
I thought I was a lowly child; instead, I'm a wizard.
Harry, here are some secrets I'm not supposed to tell you.
Harry Potter
(saves the world)

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
(aka: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)(secret version)
By J. K. Rowling

Harry Potter
I thought I was a lowly child; instead, I'm a wizard.
J. K. Rowling
Now that I have your attention, my pretties, here is how you perform satanic rituals and become demons.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Doe a Deer, a female deer (also known as a hind)

Why Wednesday was Wonderful
1. I did not wake up to my alarm clock.
2. I hung out with Jael.
3. I bought two prophetic t-shirts. One of them turned out to be half off. I prayed it would be cheaper than the tag said while I tried it on.
4. Jael bought me a starbucks.
5. I got to help Gaby at church.
6. I went to Young Professionals and it was awesome!! I was very full of the Spirit after. And they had chips and salsa there. What could be better?
7. I read from Daniel some of my favorite books! You should read it. :)

"The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights. " Hab. 3:19
This was the verse God gave me for camp. I bought a shirt today with a deer on it. Jael thinks it's a weird shirt. I told her I didn't care because it was prophetic. Prophets do weird things. Just look at Ezekiel. He layed on his side for like a year and ate mush. Or what about Isaiah walking around naked? Yeah, it's powerful. Jael said it reminded her of a stuffed deers head on a wall and that weirds her out. I told her that one of my desires for a husband is that he would kill stuff and present it to me. I think it would be great if my husband killed a deer, cooked the meat for dinner, and then stuffed the head and put in on the wall in our house.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A favorite college memory

So I was down at Pt. Loma earlier this week and it was great fun. I hung out with the girls from my hall last year, went to yogurt with my friend Katy, and hit up the good old science building. I got to chat with Dr. Anderson who is one of my favorites. I had botany with her last spring and it was awesome. The best part of the whole year was getting to go on the botany class camping trip. We were gone for a weekend in March and went on a snow hike in the Laguna Mountains then set up camp down in the Anza Borrego desert. Here is a picture of a sunset the me and my good friend Kristen watched together.

I think the sun was setting behind us as we took this picture. The clouds looked really neat. I think it's called a back sunset.

Me and Kristen. She is going to dental school at UCLA. She will make sure people's teeth are like sheep up out of the washing.

Kristen took this picture without me knowing it. I am wearing my favorite puffy painted shirt. I've probably made about 15 and I'd have to say this one is the best. I think I really like the fact that the whole back is a bible verse!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A beautiful day in light of the Song of Songs

I usually don't have a ton of time to check blogs and all that, but seeing that I am on vacation right now, I seem to have all the time in the world! I don't know about all you, but I start reading everyone else's blog and then I get inspired. So therefore, I am starting a blog. Yes. The day has come. Who knows how much I will post on it. But the matter has now been established. By me,, and the Holy Spirit.

I had a great day today. I woke up singing and making music to the Lord in my heart and then sang my way into the bathroom. I looked at my eyes and they were still a little bloodshot from being in the sun all day yesterday while reffing soccer. Even with the "drugged out" look, I thought my eyes really did look like two cute little doves. Maybe they were doves that got in a fight over a worm or something and broke a little flesh. My hair was crazy as usual. It always dries all wavy and flips out all over the place. I think I might dye it sometime soon. I've never dyed my hair before. It will be like the brown goats that turned spotted and speckled. Ok, I don't really want speckled hair. But I do know that I need a new straightner because everytime I straighten my hair bunches of it decend from my head to the floor like those goats coming down the mountain. Speckled goats they are.

Next I was off to the fridge to get a little breakfast. Apparently pomogranants are the new thing so my mom jumped on the bandwagon and bought a few. I cut one in half and thought how those halves reminded me of my temples. Have you taken care of your temples today? I shall woo my future husband with the beauty of my temples. After this I realized that my neck was really stiff. I must have slept on it funny. Seriously, it felt as stiff as a tower, maybe even as stiff as the Tower of David. I pondered trying that new relaxation method I read about in my mom's Health magazine but didn't feel like applying 1000 mini shields to all of the muscles in my neck. Where do they get this stuff anyway?

So then I returned to the bathroom, shorn my teeth and gave thanks to the Lord that I had all 28 of them. My grandma was complaining to me about her dentures today. She hates them with a passion. I went over to her house for dinner and she told me about how her gums got infected and they just went ahead and did a total demolition in her mouth and plulled all the teeth out. This is why I need to floss. So I flossed and then proceeded to get dressed for the day. I put the fawns in their cages and threw on shorts and a tshirt, as is my custom. My lips were cracking from too much sun so I put some chapstick on them. They were lovely of course, but like a cut up strand of scarlet. After a short search, I found my beloved rainbows and put them on, all the while admiring how beatiful my feet were, even with uncut toenails. I left my house ready to run upon the mountains and carry the good news with great joy. I could tell you more, but this is getting too long and much of it didn't really even happen anyway.