I usually don't have a ton of time to check blogs and all that, but seeing that I am on vacation right now, I seem to have all the time in the world! I don't know about all you, but I start reading everyone else's blog and then I get inspired. So therefore, I am starting a blog. Yes. The day has come. Who knows how much I will post on it. But the matter has now been established. By me, blogger.com, and the Holy Spirit.
I had a great day today. I woke up singing and making music to the Lord in my heart and then sang my way into the bathroom. I looked at my eyes and they were still a little bloodshot from being in the sun all day yesterday while reffing soccer.
Even with the "drugged out" look, I thought my eyes really did look like two cute little

doves. Maybe they were doves that got in a fight over a worm or someth

ing and broke a little flesh. My hair was crazy as usual. It always dries all wavy and flips out all over the place. I think I might dye it sometime soon. I've never dyed my hair before. It will be like the brown goats that turned spotted and speckled. Ok, I don't really want speckled hair. But I do know that I need a new straightner because everytime I straighten my hair bunches of it decend from my head to the floor like those goats coming down the mountain. Speckled goats they are.
Next I was off to the fridge to get a little breakfast. Apparently pomogranants are the new thing so my mom jumped on the bandwagon and bought a few. I cut one in half and thought how those halves reminded me of my temples. Have you taken care of your temples today? I shall woo my future husband with the beauty of my temples.

After this I realized that my neck was really stiff. I must have slept on it funny. Seriously,

it felt as stiff as a tower, maybe even as stiff as the Tower of David. I pondered trying that new relaxation method I read about in my mom's Health magazine but didn't feel like applying 1000 mini shields to all of the muscles in my neck. Where do they get this stuff anyway?
So then I returned to the bathroom, shorn my teeth and gave thanks to the Lord that I had all 28 of them. My grandma was complaining to me about her dentures today. She hates them with a passion. I went over to her house for dinner and she told me about how her gums got infected and they just went ahead and did a total demolition in her mouth and plulled all the teeth out. This is why I need to floss. So I flossed and then proceeded to get dressed for the day. I put the fawns in their cages and threw on shorts and a tshirt, as is my custom. My lips were cracking from too much sun so I put some chapstick on them. They we

re lovely of course, but like a cut up strand of scarlet. After a short search, I found my belov

ed rainbows and put them on, all the while admiring how beatiful my feet were, even with uncut toenails. I left my house ready to run upon the mountains and carry the good news with great joy. I could tell you more, but this is getting too long and much of it didn't really even happen anyway.